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Chasing a 1% lift? Your data needs to be spot-on. 

Lost sales and team underperformance is costing your company more than you think...

Retailers are using Bellwether to drastically improve their sales performance.

The Winning Formula for More Sales

Retail Conversion Framework


Start with a genuine, warm welcome to kickstart your retail interaction. 


Quickly understand needs and build rapport with active listening. 


Present a tailored product solution and ask for the sale. 


Grow your basket size and skyrocket your ATV with a relevant upsell. 

Meet Lucy.
She was unhappy with conversion and wanted to see improvement from her team.


Lucy's store had an average conversion rate of 14%. 


Lucy lifted her average conversion rate to 16%, this 2% increase, equated to $17,895 in profits.

Check out our other retail case studies here! Or get started straight away and benchmark your tech stack today.

Pinpoint Lost Sales with Deadly Accurate Data

Identify exactly where your missed opportunities are hiding. Instead of endless lines of overwhelming data we'll give you actionable insights. 

Spot Strengths and Coach Performance Weaknesses 

Your frontline retail team are the key to your continuous improvement. Ensure that the top notch training you provide, turns into a lasting result.

Precision Data Designed for Performance Gains

In the race against your retail competition for even the smallest improvement, your 1% matters. If your data isn't accurate, real growth is nearly impossible. 

Want FREE Access to our "10/10 Greeting" Course?

Get FREE access to the first segment of our short video course on greeting customers, valued at $89 USD. 

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A 1% lift in Conversion, makes a BIG Difference to Sales

Without accurate data, you're flying your plane blind. Want to ensure your training is making a real difference? Benchmark your tech stack and customer counting technology, to ensure accuracy is high enough.

Don't Let Your Tech, Let You Down

How many lost sales could you be overlooking? How many moments has one of your team members cost you a closed sale? How many missed opportunities might have slipped through the cracks because your current tech isn't precise enough? 

Benchmark to Understand Your Accuracy

With a Bellwether Benchmark trial you can quickly understand if your tech stack is within the margins of reliable accuracy. This way you can ensure the training you provide is measurable upon implementation.  

Book Your FREE Benchmark Trial

We'll get a better understanding of your requirements and organise a time for your audit. 

Get Fast Easy to Analyze Results

After the audit has been performed we'll take you through our results and validation methodologies. 

Coaching Recommendations

We'll then provide customised coaching recommendations on how to capture more sales. 

Would like to talk through your retail selling strategy?

We'd love to connect and talk through your store's retail selling strategy. Book a time or connect with Trinity via LinkedIn.

Book Your Benchmark Trial

See how Bellwether performs against your current tech stack and identify the gaps in your data, that could be steering you wrong. 


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